
Here you will discover the musings behind the art. What I was thinking. How I was thinking or if I was thinking at all. 

A Virtual Art Gallery

This is an online world we live in.

As a hoot, I entered an "online gallery competition". Colors of Humanity Art Gallery is an online gallery. This is a new venue for me. The "show" can be viewed strictly online. Each month this gallery presents a different theme. 10% of the proceeds they collect from entrance fees are donated to Your Safe Haven, a nonprofit agency that serves victims of all serious crimes and their families. The show I entered is entitled HUMAN NATURE.

Entries came from over 9 different countries and I felt honored to be selected. One never knows where any kind of exposure will lead.

To view this gallery of art just click on the following link:

Two of my portraits were chosen, "Eviscerate" and "Poison".

Both of these paintings are large scale portraits (6 feet square). In 2014 I began to paint portraits that were not just about the subject or what the person looks like, but how I feel about them. Before this time, I mainly painted children, capturing the various stages of their young lives. These are more psychological and personal. A portrait has the potential to expose our deeper and more layered human nature.



Human Nature

Two of my portraits were chosen for an online Art Exhibit entitled "Human Nature."

I will post a link on April 1st and talk more about these two particular paintings.

For today I am reminded how much emotion is invested in a portrait. I truly feel that without some level of love for the subject, even when the person you are painting is a stranger, their human nature could not be portrayed. From the arduous task of stretching the canvas, the will to first strike the white with a colorful mark, the anxiety of first showing the "mother" your portrayal of her children, the ...."I don't like her teeth."....."can you fix her hair?"...."can you add more color over there or over here?"

I once did three large canvases, one child on each, and had to totally start over on one of them because the mother didn't like the ears.

There comes the day when the parents are satisfied, maybe a little surprised by your effort. The paintings are delivered, hung on the wall they were intended to fill. It is at that holy moment all the pain it took to create them makes sense when the children laugh at their likenesses and the mother smiles. Its Human Nature.

Leap Year

"If you're on thin ice, you might as well dance."   - anonymous

What art you going to do on this 29th of February? Since we are given this "extra" day every four years it seems fitting to treat it as a gift and do something out of your comfort zone. Given the brutal cold of February and a desire to move in a more abstract direction, I am painting cold. More specifically I am experimenting with Cold Wax Painting.

I am mixing 10-15% of a pliable cold wax with 85-90% oil paint and applying the mixture on wood panels with various spatulas and rubber "brushes".  I really enjoy the various textures, the movement of the color and the unpredictability of the results. It's messy fun... a Leap.

see and be seen ...

I'm happy to have been selected to appear in the latest Studio Visit Magazine, volume thirty-two.



Juror Mary M. Tinti, Ph.D., Curator, Fitchburg Art Museum


Studio Visit is a series of juried artist books produced by the publishers of New American Paintings. This publication offers artists an effective venue through which to introduce their work to a serious national audience of art world professionals. The publication presents all two- and three-dimensional media. This includes mixed media, painting, drawing, photography, and sculpture. Each high quality volume of Studio Visit features approximately 150 artists, who have been selected by professional curators. Studio Visit will be received by two thousand carefully selected curators and galleries throughout the country as well as a growing subscriber base of collectors and art enthusiasts.

If you wish to order this particular volume, just click here for the order form. 


Portrait Art

A very lovely and savvy friend of mine told me ..."you should  Pinterest." ... So I did.

On Pinterest I often look for portrait art that inspires me and reassures me that the subject of a face is ever-interesting, ever-changing and ever-challenging. Indulge my Interest in faces as I share these paintings of strangers by strangers.

The common thread in these particular portraits, besides being female, is the directness of the subject. Those eyes stare into mine begging me to ask questions of them and of myself... "Who are you?"... "What are you thinking of?" ... "What is your story?" 

Who sees the human face correctly: the photographer, the mirror, or the painter?
— Pablo Picasso

If you click on the artist's name you can further explore their work ... perhaps finding your own Interest in Pinterest ...

Kris Lewis "Fur Trader"   (top left)           Sue Rubio "Maggie"   (top center)          Claerwen James "Girl Looking Straight Out"   (top, right)

  Ruth Shively "Isabelle"   (bottom left)        Jeffrey Hein  "Sunkissed"   (bottom center)    Seth Haverkamp "The Unfolding"   (bottom right)